Thursday, September 9, 2010

Assignment #1: If You Could Transport Yourself Anywhere...

The "Unsinkable" Titanic

          10 April, 1912, there I stood, leaned against the freshly painted white railings of the mast Titanic, waving bye to all my companions and the ones I loved. I was so eager to begin my journey into the vast waters of the Pacific Ocean. Their faces fading as I drifted further and further away. The moment I couldn't see the shore anymore, I began my adventure through the ship. I was in awe of the massive chandeliers and the elegant stair cases. My room number was inscribed on my ticket: Floor 1, Room 234. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford first class, but that didn't irritate me, I was here to have entertain myself and make the most out of my time.
          Months before boarding the ship, my father spent excessive hours working overtime in our compact town's blacksmith shop just so I could have the privilege of this amazing experience. I worked hours at our farm, and took care of my siblings as well, taking over of the role of my mother shortly after she past away when I was only 13, my father thought I needed a break. I acknowledge him now for his extremely hard work.
          It was the fourth morning into the best experience of my entire life. By now I had realized that the Titanic was like a maze. No matter how many times I ventured through the different hallways of the ship, I turned a new corner each time. The name of the ship suited it very appropriately. It truly was enormous in size, strength, and power. I was indestructible, invulnerable.
         These thoughts flashed through my mind as I spent my last care-free moments on the Titanic. All I saw was a gigantic ice berg directly in front of the ship. My jaw dropped. I stood there in silence, frozen as the ice berg slowly approached us. I heard distance screams and the crew rushing and panicking all around me. Massive force and impact was felt as we hit the ice berg. Now everyone was still, nothing else could be done.
         All I remember was being rushed and pushed into the life boats. I just stood there like a zombie, still alive but dead. The faces fading away as we dove away from the shore was all I remembered as I now saw the Titanic fading in the distance. The ship dove into to the water, sending the crashing waves our way.

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