Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homework Blues

     "Mr.Van Camp, my dad came to visit me for the first time last night."

     "Continue," replied Mr.Van Camp with a trace of interest in his voice.

     "I barely recognized him," I stated, hesitant. I choked on every word that I spoke, "I was five years old when he left my mom and I."

     "I understand how you feel Anmol, but how does this explain your missing homework?"

     I swallowed hard, but continued, "Well, when he came in, he slowly approached me, and hugged me, but  it just didn't feel right to me."

     Mr. Van Camp sighed, "Anmol, I still don't see why your homework is missing, this is a waste of my time. I'm going to call your parents right now."

     "Wait!" I shouted, "Please! Listen to the rest?"

     "Alright, but hurry," remarked Mr.Van Camp, impatiently.

     "He told me that he was going to take me out for ice cream so we could catch up. When we went out, he took me to a deserted area right out of town, and he just left me there." I stuttered, "I had to walk all the way back home, and I arrived at around two in the morning. I know this sounds unbelievable, but I assure you that it's absolutely true."

     "Well," answered Mr.Van Camp, "I'll take your word for it this time and give you an extension, but next time, I'm not accepting any late assignments from you."

"Thank you so much Mr. Van Camp, I appreciate it. I just keep wondering now," I murmured, "where he went, and when he will come back home."

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